GRIN - an extensible Java Scene Graph for TV

Introduction and Scope
GRIN stands for "Graphical Interactivity," and it's also sort of a play on SMIL. The connection between GRIN and SMIL is very loose. GRIN does deal with some of the same time-based and media-centric concerns that are generally associated with SMIL, but GRIN is really very different. GRIN was written to support applications that are a fusion of procedural Java code and declarative elements - it doesn't try to be an all-encompassing declarative environment, complete with scripting.
GRIN provides:
- Some declarative glue to help structure an application
- A synchronization model so you don't have to deal too much with multithreading
- A consistent drawing/animation model
- Translation and handling of remote control events
- Some simple presentation elements.
GRIN is designed to be extended with other presentation elements, including programmatic elements, which can be arbitrarily complex - even up to a small video game. GRIN really doesn't try to address the overall control of an application; that's left for the developer to do in code. The framework does provide a simple state machine and timeline that might help structure application control, but use of this is entirely optional. It's based on the Director construct, but a Show can be used without ever touching any of that.
GRIN is intended to be used in highly interactive enhancements for TV, on GEM platforms like Blu-ray, MHP and OCAP. It's mostly meant for enhancements that are tied to video, though it could certainly be used when video is not present. It might be applicable to non-TV platforms, too.
License and Credits
This work is covered by the BSD license.
Additionally, please consider the request in the file credits.html.
Application Structure
An application can be structured like this:
Component c = ... the right kind of component Show s = new Show(); ... initialize s AnimationClient[] clients = new AnimationClient[] { show }; engine = new DirectDrawEngine(); engine.setFps(24000); engine.initClients(clients); engine.initialize(this); engine.start();
A more complete example can be found in the HelloGrinWorld xlet in this repository, and setup of the animation framework is described in the Animation Framework Usage document.
If an application gets an expose event, there's a
method defined on AnimationEngine
that will do the right thing. When a remote control or keyboard event
is received that the Show
should consider processing,
it can call s.handleRCEvent()
. Image loading an other
initialization happen automatically in a background thread.
The center of the GRIN framework is called a "Show." The central function of a show is to display a "Feature". A feature is something that presents something sensory to the user, like an image, some text, or a sound. A set of features that are presented together are collected into a "Segment." A show can:
- Move from any segment to any other segment in a thread-safe manner, without worrying about synchronization.
- Manage initialization, e.g. loading large in-memory objects like images and sounds.
- Automatically move to another segment when initialization or an animation within the segment finishes.
- Assemble visual elements using a simple text file that is parsed when the show is created (usually shortly after the application starts).
A show doesn't provide any real control logic or application state. That's left to the Director. Director is just an interface declaration; it has to be implemented by an application implementing this framework. Director is an interface that needs to be implemented by the xlet; it's the show's "handle" back to the xlet, and can be used by commands within the show to refer back to the containing xlet, e.g. to call methods.
A UML class diagram illustrating the some aspects of the design is given below:
A show can be assembled from a simple show file. This file is parsed and turned into an efficient binary representation that can be quickly loaded by an xlet. This text file format is adequate, especially for hand-written samples, but it's not really designed to be incorporated into a professional workflow. A functional equivalent using XML has been developed by Javelin, and we plan to use the FX/Script language to express a show file soon.
Here's BNF describing the syntax of a show file:
show ::= "show" setting* [ exports ] [ java_generated_class ] ( segment | feature | rc_handler | named_command | mosaic_hint | show_top )* "end_show" setting ::= segment_stack_depth_setting | draw_targets_setting | sticky_images_setting | binary_grin_file_setting | grinview_background_setting segment_stack_depth_setting := "setting" "segment_stack_depth" integer ";" draw_targets_setting ::= "setting" "draw_targets" "{" string* "}" ";" # If this isn't set, it defaults to { T:Default } sticky_images_setting ::= "setting" "sticky_images" "{" string* "}" ";" # This sets the list of file names for the images that are to be # "sticky". Sticky images aren't unloaded, even when no feature # that uses them is in the the setup or active clause of the # active segment. Thus, the first time a sticky image is # prepared it is loaded normally, but subsequent prepares happen # instantly. binary_grin_file_setting ::= "setting" "binary_grin_file" string ";" # Sets the file name of the binary grin file that's produced by # the compiler. This can be used to make the extension be ".grn" # instead of ".grin". grinview_background_setting ::= "setting" "grinview_background" "{" grinview_background* "}" ";" grinview_background ::= string # An image file name. show_top ::= "show_top" string ; # Sets the name of show's top node for rendering. # The string should correspond to one of the feature names # in this show. When the show_top element is present, then # a showtop_group feature should also be defined in the show. # This can be used to add a special effect to the show tree. exports ::= "exports" "segments" name_list "features" name_list "handlers" name_list [ "named_commands" name_list ] ";" # If this isn't set, then everything is public # The names in name_list may contain wildcards like # "*", "?", "[wxz]" and "[1-5]". java_generated_class ::= "java_generated_class" name "[[" java_source "]]" # This contains the full text of the class declaration. The class # must extend com.hdcookbook.grin.commands.ShowCommands, and must # contain the string JAVA_COMMAND_BODY. JAVA_COMMAND_BODY gets # replaced with the automatically-generated method execute() and # the methods grinCommandNN() for each command. java_source ::= string* # May contain the special sequences: # XLET_ONLY_[[ java_source ]] # GRINVIEW_ONLY_[[ java_source ]] # GRIN_COMMAND_[[ command ]] # # See the comments at the end of the main class documentation of # com.hdcookbook.grin.GrinXHelper for comments on how these are # used, and for the Abstract Director pattern that can also be used # to make xlets that work under GrinView. segment ::= "segment" name ["active" feature_list] ["setup" feature_list] [ "rc_handlers" name_list ] [ "on_entry" commands ] [ ( "next" | "setup_done") commands] ";" feature_list ::= name_list feature ::= fixed_image | image_sequence | box | assembly | menu_assembly | sound | text | translator_model | translator | group | timer | clipped | src_over | fade | scaling_model | guarantee_fill | set_target | showtop_group | extension_feature | extension_modifier fixed_image ::= "feature" "fixed_image" name image_placement file_name [ "scaling_model" name ] ";" image_sequence ::= "feature" "image_sequence" name image_seq_placement file_name "{" name_or_continuation * "}" extension [ "repeat" ] [ "scaling_model" name ] ( "model" feature_name | image_seq_end ) ";" # "linked_to" is accepted for "model", for backwards compatibility. # In both cases, the model, if specified, must be a different # image_sequence with the same number of images in the sequence. image_seq_placement ::= image_placement | "{" image_placement* "}" # if there is a list of image placements in a image_sequence, # it must have the same length as the images array. image_seq_end ::= [ loop_count ] [ "end_commands" commands ] image_placement ::= x y | "(" im_x im_y [ "scale" x y "mills" ] ")" # A scale factor or -1000 in either or both directions can be # used to filp the image. A scale factor other than 1000 # or -1000 may be slow at runtime on some players. im_x ::= ( "left" | "middle" | "right" ) x im_y ::= ( "top" | "middle" | "bottom" ) y box ::= "feature" "box" name rectangle [ "outline" width color_value ] [ "fill" color_value ] [ "scaling_model" name ] ";" name_or_continuation ::= "+" | "-" | name # "+" means "repeat last frame", # "-" means "empty" assembly ::= "feature" "assembly" name "{" assembly_part * "}" ";" assembly_part ::= name sub_feature menu_assembly ::= "feature" "menu_assembly" name "template" "{" menu_assembly_features * "}" "parts" "{" menu_assembly_part "}" ";" menu_assembly_features ::= id "{" sub_feature * "}" menu_assembly_part ::= name "{" menu_assembly_features * "}" # For a menu_assembly, the template features provide a "base" set # of features included in each part (each branch). Then, each # branch defines an assembly part name, and the specifies what # is to be replaced out of that template for the given branch. # # A menu_assembly is converted into a normal assembly with a bunch # of automatically-generated anonymous groups as its parts. text ::= "feature" "text" name text_pos text_strings font_spec color_spec [ "background" color_entry ] ";" text_pos ::= [ "left" | "middle" | "right" ] x [ "top" | "baseline" | "bottom" ] y text_strings ::= string | "{" string * "}" [ "vspace" integer ] font_spec ::= font_name font_style font_size font_style ::= "plain" | "bold" | "italic" | "bold-italic" font_size ::= int # Size in points (which is the same as pixels) color_spec ::= "{" color_entry * "}" [ loop_count ] color_entry ::= "+" | color_value loop_count ::= "loop_count" ( "infinite" | integer ) group ::= "feature" "group" name "{" sub_feature * "}" ";" timer ::= "feature" "timer" name num_frames [ "repeat" ] commands ";" clipped ::= "feature" "clipped" name sub_feature rectangle ";" src_over ::= "feature" "src_over" name sub_feature ";" fade ::= "feature" "fade" name sub_feature [ "src_over" ] "{" ( frame_number alpha_int tween_type ) * "}" [ "repeat" frame_number ] [ loop_count ] [ "end_commands" commands ] ";" scaling_model ::= "feature" "scaling_model" name "{" scale_key_frame* "}" [ "repeat" frame_number ] [ loop_count ] [ "end_commands" commands ] ";" # There must be >= 1 scale_key_frame scale_key_frame ::= frame_number x y x_scale y_scale [ tween_type ] "mills" # The first frame must be zero # The scale factor is in mills (1/1000); a factor of 1000 is 1:1 scale # The x,y values are the anchor point for the scaling operation. # Scaled objects get bigger and smaller, centered at this anchor # point. You can also think of it as the "origin for scaling." key_frame ::= frame_number x y interpolation_type guarantee_fill ::= "feature" "guarantee_fill" name sub_feature rectangle # guaranteed area { rectangle * } ";" # areas to be cleared set_target ::= "feature" "set_target" name sub_feature target_name ";" target_name ::= name translator_model ::= "feature" "translator_model" name "{" trans_key_frame * "}" [ "repeat" frame_number ] [ loop_count ] [ "end_commands" commands ] ";" # "translator_model" can be replaced by the old name "translation" # # If you want to set the x,y position programmatically, just have # one key frame. # Use "offscreen" keyword for x,y position to place a feature # off the screen without causing the animation engine to repaint extra # region. Use Integer.MIN_VALUE for x,y position to off-screen # programatically. trans_key_frame ::= frame_number x y trans_tween trans_tween ::= "linear-relative" [ "max-error" integer ] | tween_type # linear and linear-relative are special for translations. You # should always use linear-relative; that's linear interpolation # using relative coordinates for the child nodes (that is, the # interpolation specifies delta-x and delta-y for each child). # # "linear" is deprecated, and is kept for backwards compatibility # with old show files. In "linear", the coordinates are absolute # coordinates for the upper-left hand corner of the children. # Trying to do this this was a bad idea - it's not always possible # to determine the upper-left hand corner of the children. When it's # not, the compiler will report an error that suggests switching # to linear-relative. tween_type ::= "linear" [ "max-error" integer ] | "start" | "ease-in-quad" [ "max-error" integer ] | "ease-out-quad" [ "max-error" integer ] | "ease-in-out-quad" [ "max-error" integer ] | "ease-in-cubic" [ "max-error" integer ] | "ease-out-cubic" [ "max-error" integer ] | "ease-in-out-cubic" [ "max-error" integer ] | "ease-in-quart" [ "max-error" integer ] | "ease-out-quart" [ "max-error" integer ] | "ease-in-out-quart" [ "max-error" integer ] | "ease-in-quint" [ "max-error" integer ] | "ease-out-quint" [ "max-error" integer ] | "ease-in-out-quint" [ "max-error" integer ] | "ease-in-sine" [ "max-error" integer ] | "ease-out-sine" [ "max-error" integer ] | "ease-in-out-sine" [ "max-error" integer ] | "ease-in-expo" [ "max-error" integer ] | "ease-out-expo" [ "max-error" integer ] | "ease-in-out-expo" [ "max-error" integer ] | "ease-in-circ" [ "max-error" integer ] | "ease-out-circ" [ "max-error" integer ] | "ease-in-out-circ" [ "max-error" integer ] | "ease-in-elastic" [ "amplitude" double ] [ "period" double ] [ "max-error" integer ] | "ease-out-elastic" [ "amplitude" double ] [ "period" double ] [ "max-error" integer ] | "ease-in-out-elastic" [ "amplitude" double ] [ "period" double ] [ "max-error" integer ] | "ease-in-back" [ "overshoot" double ] [ "max-error" integer ] | "ease-out-back" [ "overshoot" double ] [ "max-error" integer ] | "ease-in-out-back" [ "overshoot" double ] [ "max-error" integer ] | "ease-in-bounce" [ "max-error" integer ] | "ease-out-bounce" [ "max-error" integer ] | "ease-in-out-bounce" [ "max-error" integer ] | "ease-points" "{" tween-point * "}" [ "max-error" integer ] # The tween type give the algorithm used for the transition from the # previous key frame to the present one. # # start is a synonym for linear. It's intended to be # used for the first keyframe, since the tween type for the # first keyframe is meaningless. # # The other tweening types are described in # com.robertpenner.PennerEasing, and in his book, which you can # find out about at # # max-error says how many units of error you're willing to tolerate # when the compiler uses linear interpolation segments to approximate # tweening. It defaults to 0, that is, no error. Setting a higher # tolerance will result in a smaller .grin file and less runtime # memory usage. The grin compiler tells you how many key frames # are added for interpolation due to tweening; if the number looks # huge, consider increasing the error tolerance. tween_point ::= "(" integer * ")" translator ::= "feature" "translator" name translator_model_name "{" sub_feature "}" ";" showtop_group :: "feature" "showtop_group" name ";" # This can be used to give a name to the group of features # that represents a set of active features at runtime. # When a segment in this show is activated, it's active features # get slotted into this group. See also "show_top". extension_feature ::= "feature" "extension" namespace:type_name name <syntax of extension> ";" modifier_feature ::= "feature" "modifier" namespace:type_name name sub_feature string ";" name_list ::= "{" name * "}" commands ::= "{" command * "}" command ::= activate_segment | activate_part | segment_done | deprecated_invoke_assembly_cell | set_visual_rc_state | reset_feature | sync_display | run_named_commands | other_command | java_command activate_segment ::= "activate_segment" segment_name [ "<push>" ] ";" | "activate_segment" "<pop>" ";" activate_part ::= "activate_part" assembly_name part_name ";" segment_done ::= "segment_done" ";" deprecated_invoke_assembly_cell ::= "invoke_assembly" ("selected_cell" | "cell" x y) handler_name ";" # This has been replaced by set_visual_rc_state set_visual_rc_state ::= "set_visual_rc" handler_name ("state" state_name | "current") ("selected" | "activated") [ "grid_alternate" name ] [ "run_commands" ] ";" # # grid_alternate can be used to swap in a different grid in the visual # RC handler. See the "visual_grid_alternates" part of visual_rc_handler # reset_feature ::= "reset_feature" feature_name ";" sync_display ::= "sync_display" ";" run_named_commands ::= "run_named_commands" name ";" other_command ::= namespace:type_name (syntax as determined by director) ";" # The custom command shouldn't include a ";" token. If it does, # testing with GenericMain will be more difficult. java_command ::= "java_command" "[[" java_source "]]" rc_handler ::= visual_rc_handler | command_rc_handler | deprecated_assembly_grid_handler ";" visual_rc_handler ::= "rc_handler" "visual" name ( visual_rc_grid | visual_grid_alternates ) [ "assembly" assembly_name [ "start_selected" boolean ] ] "select" action_by_state "activate" action_by_state [ "mouse" mouse_locations ] [ "timeout" integer "frames" commands ] ";" # start_selected defaults false. If true, when the handler is # activated, if the assembly is in one of the activated states, it # will be taken to the corresponding selected state. visual_rc_grid ::= "grid" visual_grid [ "rc_override" visual_overrides ] visual_grid ::= "{" visual_grid_row * "}" visual_grid_row ::= "{" visual_grid_entry * "}" visual_grid_entry ::= state_name | "[" state_name "]" | "(" x y ")" | "<activate>" | "<wall>" | "<null>" # <activate> means "make the assembly activated" # <wall> means "if cell navigated to, stay in current state" # <null> means "it's an error if this cell can be navigated to" # The "( x y )" syntax is deprecated. When such a cell is # navigated to, it goes to the state that is located at # the cell x,y (counting from 0). The same effect can be # achieved in a clearer way with the "[ state_name ]" syntax. visual_grid_alternates ::= "grid_alternates" "{" visual_grid_alternate * "}" # see also the visual_grid_alternate parameter to the # set_visual_rc command. This lets you swap in a different # grid, e.g. to disable certain buttons. By default the first # grid is active. The active grid can ge changed by the # set_visual_rc command, or from Java. visual_grid_alternate ::= name visual_grid_with_override visual_grid_with_override ::= "{" ( visual_grid_entry * ) [ "rc_override" visual_overrides ] "}" visual_overrides ::= "{" visual_override * "}" visual_override ::= "{" state_name visual_override_direction state_name "}" # When in the first state, the given key will transition to the # second state visual_override_direction ::= "up" | "down" | "left" | "right" action_by_state ::= "{" state_and_action * "}" state_and_action ::= state_name visual_action visual_action ::= part_name | commands | part_name commands mouse_locations ::= "{" ( state_name rectangle ) * "}" # It's OK to have more than one rectangle for a given state deprecated_assembly_grid_handler ::= "rc_handler" "assembly_grid" name "assembly" assembly_name "select" part_name_matrix "invoke" part_name_matrix [ "timeout" integer "frames" commands ] [ "when_invoked" "{" invoked_commands * "}" ] ";" part_name_matrix ::= "{" part_name_list * "}" invoked_commands ::= part_name commands part_name_list ::= "{" part_name * "}" command_rc_handler ::= "rc_handler" [ "key_pressed" | "key_released" ] name "{" rc_key * "}" "execute" commands ";" # Note that only key_pressed is guaranteed to be available # on all devices. OCAP and MHP don't guarantee key_released, and # BD part J.1.2 looks like it's not guaranteed in BD-J, either. rc_key ::= "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9" | "right" | "left" | "up" | "down" | "enter" | "red" | "green" | "yellow" | "blue" | "popup_menu" | "play" | "stop" | "still_off" | "track_next" | "track_prev" | "fast_fwd" | "rewind" | "pause" | "secondary_video_enable_disable" | "secondary_audio_enable_disable" | "pg_textst_enable_disable" rectangle ::= "(" x y x y ")" # upper left and lower right points # inside rectangle color_value ::= "{" red_int green_int blue_int alpha_int "}" mosaic_hint ::= "mosaic_hint" name width height "{" file_name * "}" ";" # mosaic_hint is deprecated. See "mosaics" named_command ::= "named_command" name commands ";" sub_feature ::= feature_name | "sub_feature" feature_without_name feature_without_name ::= ... exactly like feature, without the feature name segment_name ::= string feature_name ::= string assembly_name ::= string translator_model_name ::= string part_name ::= string state_name ::= string file_name ::= string font_name ::= string handler_name ::= string name ::= string id ::= string namespace:type_name ::= string containing ":" red_int ::= integer # 0..255 green_int ::= integer # 0..255 blue_int ::= integer # 0..255 alpha_int ::= integer # 0..255, 0 is transparent, 255 is opaque num_frames ::= integer frame_number ::= integer width ::= integer x_scale ::= integer y_scale ::= integer x ::= integer y ::= integer boolean ::= "true" | "false"
A string can be a sequence of characters delimited by whitespace, or it can be enclosed in double-quotes, with backslash as an escape characer if you need double-quote or backslash within a string. Strings may contain newlines.
A show can include a $include
directive that looks like this:
... $include some_file.txt ;
The string "$include
" must not be inside quotation marks,
but the file name
(like other normal strings) may be. The included file is searched for on
the search path used for all show assets.
The entities actually displayed by a director are called "features". The GRIN framework provides some simple features, for images, image sequences, assemblies of a collection of features, and text. It also provides support for application-defined features that can be made a part of the text file describing a show.
Remote Control Handling
The GRIN framework can do two things with remote control keypresses: It can translate them into an appication-defined command, or it can use them to select visual elements. The latter is done with an AssemblyGridRCHandler instance. It supports arrow-key navigation, plus a special case for the colored keys. When new elements are selected and/or activated, it can (for example) change the part of an assembly that's activated. This can be used to build buttons, while still giving the application author complete control over the UI appearance.
Commands are used as a glue to bind the framework together. Actions, like selecting a segment or a part of a feature assembly are done using a command. Events are also sent from a Show to its director using commands.
When a command is executed, it is done in a thread-safe manner. If a Scene isn't in a state where it's safe to execute the command, execution is deferred until it is safe. One example of a time it's not safe to execute a command is when a segment is drawing to the screen (or a screen buffer); if the state of the segment changed in the middle of drawing, inconsistent results might be drawn.
The commands defined by GRIN are illustrated below:
Commands must be "compiled", including application-defined commands. This really just means turning a command string into an instance of a subclass of Command. It should include resolving any references in the command; this is faster, and it allows errors to be caught more easily.
The show compiler has an innovative feature to conveniently write
commands in Java: the java_command
. This lets you put a
bit of Java source code in the show file, and have that code get triggered
like any other GRIN command. Behind the scenes, the GRIN show compiler
generates a single Java class that contains all of these code snippets,
and selection code to execute the right one. The generated code can
reference the method parameter grinCaller
to get a reference
to the Show in which the command was enqueued.
GRIN has a very simple synchronization model. The most important external lock is the lock on the show object. Everything that might need to synchronize on the show lock needs to synchronize on it first.
Any change to a show's state (or the "show model" if you prefer that term out of MVC theory) needs to be synchronized on the show. Further, changes other than purely visual changes need to be synchronized into the "frame pump" loop, which is basically:
for frame 1 to to infinity wait until it's time to display frame update model render show to screen rof
This is facilitated with a command model. At any time, you can
always call show.runCommand(Command)
, from any thread. This does
not require the show lock; it only synchronizes on the internal lock
used for a queue, so this is very thread-safe and simple. When you
call runCommand()
, it queues the command for later execution,
at the right point in the frame pump loop.
The queue class it uses was even designed so that it will almost never
need to allocate a Java heap object, so don't worry about generating
garbage by using it.
As an example of the reliance on commands, consider the method
used to move a show to a new segment,
. This works by queueing
up a command to activate the given segment when the frame pump is in
the right state. By the way, it doesn't allocate a new command object
to do this - again, we're careful about generating heap traffic.
Image Mosaics
Image loading can take a significant part of the start-up time of
an xlet. With typical players, it's faster to load one big image
rather than several small images. Thus, it's a good idea to combine
several images into an "image mosaic". The GRIN scene graph can use
an image within a mosaic anywhere an image can be used. At runtime, you
can use images
within an image mosaic even if you don't use the rest of the GRIN
library, by just using the image classes
in com.hdcookbook.grin.util
. At compile time, you can combine
images into one or more mosaics by making a special "mosaics" file.
This file is compiled just like a GRIN show file.
In your xlet, you might want to have more than one show file. If you
do this, you might want to have multiple show files pool their images
in one set of mosaics, or you might want to have seperate sets of mosaics.
You can do either with the show compiler GrinCompiler
. If
you want a set of shows to share mosaic defintions, simply compile them
all at the same time, by passing in the different show files on the
command line in one compiler run. Even if you only have one show file,
you'll probably want to also have a mosaics file, so you can control
the name of the generated mosaics file, and its parameters. Just pass
the mosaics defintion file on the command line along with the show
files, and GrinCompiler
will build up a set of image
mosaics for the show(s) according to the declarations in the mosaics
A mosaics file has the following syntax:
mosaics ::= "mosaics" mosaic* "end_mosaics" mosaic ::= "mosaic" file_name mosaic_part* ";" # file_name is the name of the PNG image that will contain the mosaic. # If the same mosaic_part is repeated, the result is undefined. mosaic_part ::= max_width | max_height | max_pixels | min_width | num_widths | take_all_images | image_files | add_image_files | skip_image_files max_width ::= "max_width" integer # <= 4096 recommended, cf. 3-2 G.6 max_height ::= "max_height" integer # <= 4096 recommended, cf. 3-2 G.6 max_pixels ::= "max_pixels" integer # Total <= 5,963,776 (profile 1) or <= 8,060,928 (profile2) # recommended, cf. 3-2 G.6 min_width ::= "min_width" integer # Minimum width to consider using for mosaic num_widths ::= "num_width" integer # Number of different widths to consider when looking for # best mosaic. See com.hdcookbook.grin.mosaic.Mosaic. take_all_images ::= "take_all_images" boolean # If set to true, this mosaic will include all images that aren't # part of another mosaic. image_files ::= "image_files" "{" file_name* "}" # A list of the image files to consider for inclusion in this # mosaic. An image file is only included if it is actually used # in a show. add_image_files ::= "add_image_files" "{" file_name* "}" # A list of image files to include in the mosaic, whether or not # it's actually used in a show. Use this for images you want # to include to use from your xlet, using the ManagedImage class. # Each image will appear in only one mosaic, even if it's listed in # the add_image_files part of multiple mosaics. skip_image_files ::= "skip_image_files" "{" file_name* "}" # A list of image files
For brevity, the lower-level syntax elements of the show file are used in this BNF, and not repeated here.
Memory Management and GC
As was alluded to above, the GRIN framework tries very hard to avoid
creating unnecessary heap objects. This should avoid the possibility
of objectionable pauses due to GC. As is usually the case in any
xlet, it's a good idea to call System.gc()
initialization, because initialization code tends to generate a lot
of garbage, and if you're going to pause for a bit, initialization is
the time to do it. For a show, this point comes after parsing the show
Animation Loop
For the animation loop GRIN relies on the
Animation Framework
in com.hdcookbook.grin.animator
. A GRIN Show
implements the AnimationClient
interface. Because the
framework's AnimationEngine
can support multiple clients
that draw in a defined stacking order, GRIN drawing can appear above or
below drawing down by any other Java code.
Programmatically Controlling Show Nodes
GRIN is a declarative scene graph, but you can also programmatically
set certain node values. This, in effect, uses Java code in the way
that scripting languages are commonly used. When you do this, it's
very important to observe some strict rules around threading. In
the GRIN model, you're only permitted to make changes to show
nodes with the Show lock held, either from the body of an executing
command, or from within the method
An example of changing parameters of show nodes using Java is
in the "Playground" test (xlets/tests/functional/Playground). See
the show main_show.txt
for an example of a scene graph
that's set up to be modified from Java. This modification is done
in the show file itself (inside a java_command
), and in a
method of MainDirector
that's invoked from that
. The java_command
invoked in every frame, by simply having a repeating timer of length 1.
- The x and y position of the center point used for scaling in a
. Ascaling_model
can be attached to features of typefixed_image
. - The x any y scale factor of a
. - The x and y offset values int a
attached to one or moretranslator
features. - The text contents of a
feature. - The AlphaComposite value of a
feature. - The currently active sub-feature of an
feature. You can change this with either anactivate_part
command or by callingAssembly.setCurrentFeature()
Many of the nodes that can be programmed also do linear interpolation with built-in ranges. As a rule, if you want to set a value from Java, you can't also be trying to change it with an active interpolation. Further, when you set a value from Java, it stays set to that new value throughout the execution of the xlet; there is no mechanism to recover the default value set in the show file.
Extending GRIN
GRIN was designed to be extended, by adding new feature types and new remote control handler types. Adding a new feature does require that you adhere to some needed structure. In addition to writing a runtime class to implement your new feature, you need to write a method to read instantiate a feature from the GRIN binary file, and you need to write a Java SE subclass of your feature that knows how to write out that binary file format.
The SE version of your feature can, if you wish, include compile-time processing. That is, when the GRIN compiler is run to create a binary file, the SE subclass of your feature can do any computation you want it to do. This can include modifying the scene graph, even by injecting a new node as the parent of your feature, and making every every node in the show that referred to your feature refer to this new parent, instead. In this way, you can declare a new node type in the show file, but implement your node as a collection of already existing node types.
To see an example of adding a feature, see
. As of this writing, this
included three extension features, Arc
. In the src
you'll find
, which
are the runtime support for these features. In the se_src
directory, you'll find
which are the SE versions of these extensions, complete with the
methods. The bouncing arc feature
compiles into an arc under a translation, with a translator model that has
pre-computed bounce coordinates. You'll also find the
extension parser for these new features, in
A more substantive example of a "standard" extension is the media
player, in AuthoringTools/grin/extensions/media
. It's
used in the GrinBunny game in
, which can serve as a model
for how to set up the file to build in extensions from
multiple sources.
Building Notes
When you build the javadocs, be sure to copy the directory
. If you build the test
program in com.hdcookbook.grin.test, be sure to include
in the JAR file.
Future Ideas
Please see the issues database associated with the repository.
Launching GRIN
A test program for the GRIN framework is provided in the package
com.hdcookbook.grin.test. Please consult the package documentation
for details. You can launch GRIN using Java SE - this is documented in
the package documentation for com.hdcookbook.grin.test.bigjdk.
The GuiGenericMain
class there is a nice little tool for
browsing around a show file, and seeing what different segments look
like. Finally, you can see a pretty complete demonstration of using
GRIN in the xlet in
Note about UML diagrams
The UML diagrams were made with a program called "umlet".
Change Log
Beginning with version 1.0, only major chages will be captured here. For information about the detailed changes in each putback since then, please consult the source code repository.
- Version 0.0, circa October 2004 First version of GRIN developed for "Ryan's Life" demo, in collaboration with Mark Johnson at Technicolor and Cédric Monnier and Nicolas Mériau at NDS France (née Canal+ Technologies). Segments were called "phases," and assemblies and image sequences existed already. This version was shown at a demo at the DVD Forum, running on a commercial CanalSatellite STB running pJava and MHP.
- Version 0.1, Dec. 19 2006
- Added popup_menu key
- Added "+" and "-" within ImageSequence
- Added translation feature.
- Added new argument to Show.setDisplayArea() so the show knows the bounds of its display area.
- Version 0.1.1, Dec. 21 2006
- Added timeout feature
- Several bugfixes
- Version 0.1.2, Dec. 22 2006
- Fixed off-by-one in addDisplalyArea and frame pump
- Added warning in lexer about id's ending in ;
- Version 0.1.3, Dec. 31 2006
- Added warning when an uninitialized feature is activated
- Split translation into translator and translation
- Version 0.1.4, Jan. 1 2007
- Added a GUI to let you explore a show's segments, and drive the animation. See GuiGenericMain.
- Added end_commands to translation feature.
- Made translator take a list of features to be translated, instead of just one.
- Version 0.1.4, Jan. 1 2007 fixes a minor bug in Translator
- Version 0.1.5, May 3 2007 BSD license update
- Version 0.1.6, May 18 2007 Added new (and very cool) visual rc handler. See com.hdcookbook.grin.VisualRCHandler for details. Mouse handling isn't quite done yet, but otherwise it works great.
- Version 0.1.7, May 19, 2007
- Made mouse events work with visual RC handler. Run GrinTestRyan to see it work; the first menu was set up with mouse coords on the visual rc handler.
- Added support for multi-line text features.
- Version 0.1.8, May 29, 2007 Added support for image mosaics, including mosaic builder in
- Version 0.9, June 18 2007 Many changes that have not been documented yet. Finalizing hdcookbook for the HD Cookbook DVD. Update coming soon with documentation, but I'm putting this one out now to restore, which just changed from CVS to SVN.
- Version 0.9.1, June 25 2007 Fleshed out the javadoc
comments. Here are some of the major new features introduced
in version 0.9:
- An automatic image mosaic creator, to speed xlet load times.
- A new "visual" remote control handler that's very powerful and general.
- A feature for fade in/fade out effects, a feature for SRC_OVER graphics-to-graphics blending of features, and one for clipping.
- Good support for xlet feature extensions that modify the behavior of other features. This is a very powerful technique.
- Some nice additions to "GuiGenereicMain," the show script browser for big JDK. It now lets you see the UI composited over a background image when you stop the frame pump, or you take a snapshot. This is really useful for generating "screenshots" if you're writing a book :-)
- Added
so that the frame pump can be allowed to catch up after a time-consuming command. - Many cleanups and documentation improvements
- Version 1.0, June 27 2007
- Fixed up some bugs in the BDJO and such that were caught for us by a disc verifier. This is the version going in the book. I'll archive it to a ZIP file soon.
- Mosaic maker now reads its asses with rather than Class.getResource()
- Build scripts now work on Windows (using the Unix utils from
- Version 1.1.0, November 4, 2007 Added the animation framework. Subsequent putbacks will make Show take advantage of the optimized drawing that this framework helps enable.
- Versions after 1.1.0
Moved project to subversion repository. For versions after Nov. 4,
see the subversion revision log, e.g. with the
svn log
command from the base directory of the repository.